Testing & Commissioning
Test and commissioning capabilities:
- Power frequency and partial discharge tests up to 100kV, 10kVA (Custom system manufactured by Megavolt).
- Insulation resistance tests to up to 5kV / 10TΩ (Chauvin Arnoux CA6549).
- Low resistance “Ducter” testing up to 200A (KoCoS Promet SE).
- General electronics test and measurement (Oscilloscopes, multi-meters, LCR meters, power supplies, etc).
- Protection and control relay secondary injection testing (Ponovo L336i).
- Much of the above equipment is suitable for on-site diagnostic work where necessary.
- Temperature rise tests up to 2500A.
- Close links with local ASTA certified HV and temperature rise laboratories.
- Advice and support with international standards.
- Type test preparation and support.